The fine print.
The websites of Structured Concepts, including strd.co, sqlsunday.com, callfordataspeakers.com, datasatsto.se, as well as any web-based services published on subdomains of the aforementioned domains, (“services”) are the property of Structured Concepts AB, Swedish corporate registration number 556982-1977 (“we”, “our”). These services are provided to you subject to the following terms of use (TOU). We reserve the right to update the terms of use as well as the privacy policy by posting them on this page, without further notice.
No guarantees or warranties
While we make every attempt at providing quality content and services, we cannot make any explicit guarantees as to their fitness for any purpose unless specifically agreed in a separate contract. In the end, any service that you are not paying money for should be considered to be for educational purposes, and is not covered by any warranty or guarantee for any purpose. This applies to all documentation, code, downloads, APIs and applications.
If it’s free, it’s your responsibility to verify its fitness.
Mama always said, don’t put stuff in production that you downloaded from the Internet.
Lawful use
As a condition of your use of our services, you will not use the services in violation with applicable law or the terms and conditions in this document. You may not intentionally use the services in a manner that (a) over-burdens them, (b) provokes or exploits security issues, known or unknown, (c) cause damages or harm to any party. You may not attempt to gain access to information that was not intentionally made available to you through our services.
You may not use our services as a means or agent in the process of sending unsolicited marketing to any third party (“spamming”).
All our sites and applications are Copyright © Structured Concepts AB. All rights reserved. Some materials (where explicitly stated), including blog posts, example code and downloads are provided to you under the Creative Commons 4.0 (with attribution) license. In short, this allows you to freely use, modify and redistribute them without charge, although you have to quote the source (the URL of the blog or site, https://sqlsunday.com/, is sufficient).
You certify that you hold the right to disseminate and transmit any materials you provide to Structured Concepts AB, in comments or e-mail transmissions.
Legal disputes with regards to the use of these services shall be governed by Swedish law, and tried by the Stockholm district court (Stockholms Tingsrätt).
Your trust and privacy are paramount to us, and we take it very seriously. The paragraphs below describes how we handle privacy issues, including how we work with personally identifiable information (PPI) and data that you share with us on our services, particularly with regards to GDPR.
What we collect
- Information you provide us with by filling in a contact form, an e-mail subscription or when you post a comment to a blog post or article.
- Anonymous details of your use of our sites, top-level domain (country code) and what links you clicked.
- Logs of requests to various webservice APIs, like the T-SQL Slack app, with personally identifiable information masked, hashed or redacted.
- Other data that you submit to us for processing, such as uploading files or data to an API or service. This data is not saved, unless specifically noted for the service.
How and why we use it
- We use personal information you provide to respond to your requests and to meet any contractual commitments to you.
- When a contractual commitment exists, we will store and process your personal data as required by applicable Swedish and European law (including financial or business accounting, and other such purposes).
- We use website/API logs to understand which services are popular and which are not.
- We monitor our services to prevent or respond to security issues or programming errors.
- Some services connect to third party databases or APIs. In those cases, when you explicitly appoint that third party, the information you submit is also transmitted to that third party.
We never share personally identifiable information (PPI) with any third party unless you specifically consent to this.
Cookies are used by our website software and blogging platforms to log user interactions with the sites and, for some services, to maintain user sessions. You can disable the use of cookies in your browser settings, however some services where you are required to log in won’t work if you do. Cookies are used to hold information on your current browser session where this is required (i.e. when you log in as an identified user).
How we store and protect it
We do our best to use industry-standard security measures and best practices to ensure the security of any data we store, including but not limited to up-to-date software, encryption at rest, encryption in transit, two-factor authentication and strong passwords. Where required by applicable law, processing of information is audited and logged.
All our services and systems operate on leading cloud services, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. Those platforms, in turn, have a number of automated security features and alerts in place. No data transmissions over the Internet are ever completely secure, however, we use SSL and similar security measures to minimize the risk of transmission breaches.
When we share information
We will not share your data with any third party except (a) when you specifically consent to this, (b) if we decide to sell all of or parts of our business, (c) where required by law or (d) to excercise or defend our legal rights. Where applicable, any third parties need to apply to the same privacy policy and/or a non-disclosure agreement with Structured Concepts AB.
Third-party links
In some places, we will provide links to other sites (third-party links). Those links do not adhere to the same privacy rules, as they are not under our control. We cannot accept any responsibility for third-party links.
What you can do
Read the terms and conditions where applicable to understand specific conditions that apply beyond this privacy policy. If you wish to correct or retract any information you have shared with us, please reach out to us, using our contact form, help@no-spam, or by sending physical mail to Structured Concepts AB, Box 11147, SE-10061 Stockholm, Sweden.
Reporting security issues or problems
We would love to hear from you if you discover a security issue, vulnerability or other problem with our sites and services. We commit to responding as soon as possible and treating your feedback in good faith as long as you have not exploited or contributed to the issue yourself.
Please reach out to us at help@no-spam or use our contact form to reach us.
Changes to this policy
Any change to this policy will only be posted on this page. Last revised February 18, 2023.